You are here: Sales > Lead & Prospect Management > Surveys > Manage Surveys
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Manage Surveys

Revised May 24, 2010


The BuildTopia user creates surveys to gather data from leads and prospects.  Builders use survey data to develop and modify marketing efforts,analyze the prospect experience, create new product types, and develop customer management policy. Surveys are an integral part of entering a Lead into the system as a Prospect, as well as online Prospect registration via the builder's website.






Add Question



















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Navigation Path

(Company Level Questions) Admin > Company Setup > Company Questions > Add Company Question or

(Project Level Questions) Projects > View > Edit Survey > Add Question


Use to create customized questions for the current project's survey or the company survey.


  1. Enter the Question in the text box provided.
  2. Use the pull-down menu to select the question type
    • Checkbox - Allows the user to see and select multiple answers
    • Currency - Answers are allowed in currency format only
    • Date - Answers are allowed in data format only
    • Long text - Allows up to 3000 characters in answer box
    • Number - Answers allow numeric characters only
    • Pull-down - Allows the user to see all answers within a drop-down list but select only one.
    • Radio button. Allows the user to see all answers on the screen but to select only one answer
    • Text - Allows up to 1000 characters in answer box
  3. Select Status from drop-down menu:
    • Active questions display for entry when the survey is activated on the user's screen
    • Inactive questions remain in the survey, but are hidden from view
    • Required questions appear on the survey marked with a red asterisk.  The survey cannot be submitted without answers to the required questions
    • Source question: a single question in the project level survey which drives traffic reporting. The user may determine a single Source question unique to a project by selecting the question type: 'Source'. There may be only one source question per project level survey; selecting source type will override any existing source question
  4. Select Save button.  The question is automatically added to the end of the survey list with the status selected.
  5. Repeat all steps above for each additional question.

Edit Survey Questions & Answers























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Navigation Path

(Company Level Questions) Admin > Company Setup > Company Questions > Edit or

(Project Level Questions) Projects > View > Edit Survey > Edit


Question content and answers may be edited from the same screen, though question type cannot be edited once initially selected. To change question type, create a new question with desired type.

Edit Questions

Allows the user to modify text and status of the question.

  1. Select the Edit link
  2. Edit question text
  3. Select Status from pull-down menu
  4. When edits are completed, select Save

Add/Edit Answers

Use to edit existing answers for system populated questions, create and edit answers for system and custom questions.  The indicated answers appear on the survey for each active survey question.

To the extent possible, avoid using text answers.  These have limited value for reporting purposes.

  1. Select the Answers link.
  2. For system questions, use the text box to edit default system answers or use them “as is.”
  3. Select Add Answer.  In the new text box provided, enter an answer over the default -Not Set- text.  Repeat for each additional answer.
  4. Select the Hide link to “remove” an answer for current use but retain as an option for later use.  Select the Make Visible link to “activate” a previously hidden answer.
  5. Select the Delete link to permanently delete an answer.  If an answer has already been selected by a prospect, the option to remove is not provided, as indicated by the un-selectable Delete link.   
  6. Drag and drop answers to display the desired answer order, automatically sequencing answers for the question.
  7. Select Finish to save the edited answers.
  8. Select the Back link.
  9. Repeat the above steps for each visible survey question.


Order Survey




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Navigation Path

(Company Level Questions) Admin > Company Setup > Company Questions > Order Company Questions or

(Project Level Questions) Projects > View > Edit Survey > Order Questions


Active and required questions appear in the order indicated.  

Survey questions can be re-ordered via drag and drop

  1. Place your cursor over the question text.
  2. Drag and drop answers to display the desired answer order, automatically sequencing answers for the question.
  3. Select Submit button.
  4. Select the Back to Questions link.

Preview Survey

Navigation Path

(Company Level Questions) Admin > Company Setup > Company Questions > Preview Company Questions or

(Project Level Questions) Projects > View > Edit Survey > Preview Survey

Select the Preview Survey link to view the current question and answer status and order with all answer type functionality displayed.


Company level questions are displayed as the first questions in the project survey, but are not editable here. Company questions are managed in Admin > Company Setup > Company Questions

Import Questions











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Navigation Path

(Project Level Questions) Projects > View > Edit Survey > Import Questions


Use to add customized questions from an existing project to the current project's survey. When selecting this link, active questions from the project selected will be added to the current project questions. The 'Source' question is imported as a source question type if no source type has been previously selected in the receiving project. If a source question has been selected, the question will import as an 'active' question. (Importing survey questions is primarily intended for initial project survey setup or total re-population of a project's survey.)


  1. Select the Import Questions link.
  2. Use the pull down menu to select a Project.
  3. Active questions are displayed. Select questions to import by choosing appropriate checkboxes.
  4. Select Import Selected Questions button.  These questions are automatically added to the end of the receiving project's survey list in the status selected.








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Navigation Path

Reports > Standard Reports > Sales Management > Survey Detail or Survey Summary


Standard survey reports reflect answers provided during a specified date rate, either in summary or detail format.

Survey Detail Report

Shows all detail survey answers for people that visited during the specified date rage. The botton of the report shows the people who have not answered any survey questions.

Survey Summary Report

Shows all survey information for prospects/buyers who visited during the specified date range.



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